03 February 2012

Rick Santorum

I'm not even going to get into the social issues discussion here (that would put this at way more than 2-3 big items I take issue with), but I do want to mention that being socially conservative does not make up for being a big government neo-con, which Rick Santorum clearly is (in fact, being socially conservative feeds into that to a large extent, but I digress).  It's almost like when someone here in Colorado says that because she worked for Focus on the Family, she's a Conservative across the board... right.

Rick Santorum voted, by my understanding, 5 different times in Congress to raise the debt ceiling (I'll look to see if I can find the article again where I read that... but if you have it or have different numbers, feel free to post in a comment).  Now, how can you trust someone who did that to reduce our deficit and be a fiscal conservative?

Additionally, Fm. Sen. Santorum seems to have an issue with using the government to pick winners and losers in the manufacturing industry through earmarks, grants and pet projects, basically promoting bailouts in Pennsylvania of one company or industry over another.  This also is disturbing to me, because it far exceeds the appropriate role of any government, let alone the Federal government.

Consistent opposition to Right to Work laws is not okay.

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